how awesome and silly are you?

Take this quiz to find out your level of awesomeness and silliness

do you love smilies

choose a food

pick 1

Copy the results for your page:

you are the worst and least silly person ever. get off my page,TOP SILLY + AWESOME NUMBER ONE SILLIEST SMILEY,mid silly, maybe just pleasant ,super duper silly,you are the worst and least silly person ever. get off my page,mid silly, maybe just pleasant ,TOP SILLY + AWESOME NUMBER ONE SILLIEST SMILEY,super duper silly,super duper silly,TOP SILLY + AWESOME NUMBER ONE SILLIEST SMILEY,you are the worst and least silly person ever. get off my page,mid silly, maybe just pleasant,,,
super duper silly,you are the worst and least silly person ever. get off my page,mid silly, maybe just pleasant ,TOP SILLY + AWESOME NUMBER ONE SILLIEST SMILEY